Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (2024)

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Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (19)

Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (20)

Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (21)

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Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (23)

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Please check your email and try again.');var validatorsign = $("#user-register-form").validate({rules: {email: {required: true,maxlength: 60,customEmail: true},password: {required: true,minlength: 6,maxlength: 60},agreement: "required",},messages: {email: {required: "Please enter your email address",maxlength: "You can write a maximum of 60 characters"},password: {required: "Please provide a password",minlength: 'Enter at least 6 characters',maxlength: "You can write a maximum of 60 characters"},agreement: "To complete the registration, you must agree to KESWIGS Terms and Conditions.",},submitHandler: function(form) {try {if($.isFunction(gtm_sign_up_click)){gtm_sign_up_click('web', $(form).find('input[name="email"]').val(), $(form).find('input[name="subscribe_on_register"]').is(':checked'));}} catch (error) {}// form.submit();let that = this;let url = '';window.RequestLoadingManager.requestOpenLoading();$.ajax({url: url,data: {email: $(form).find('input[name="email"]').val(),password: $(form).find('input[name="password"]').val(),subscribe_on_register: $(form).find('input[name="subscribe_on_register"]').is(':checked')?'yes':'no',action: 'woo_do_register'},type: 'POST',dataType: 'json',success: function (res) {window.RequestLoadingManager.requestCloseLoading();if(res.success){const obj = Object.assign(, {password: $(form).find('input[name="password"]').val()});localStorage.setItem('rememberinfo', $.base64.encode(JSON.stringify(obj)));$("#JStoast").showMessage('Successfully registered user!');window.location.href=;}else{$("#JStoast").showMessage('Sorry, Incorrect email or password!');}},error: function (error) {window.RequestLoadingManager.requestCloseLoading();$("#JStoast").showMessage('Sorry, Server Exception!');}});},});})}}})})}( jQuery ));

Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (46)

Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (47)
Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (48)
Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (49)
Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (50)
Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (51)
Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (52)
Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (53)
Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (54)
Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (55)
Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (56)
Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (57)
Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (58)

Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (59)

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Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (60)Keswigs 5x5 Glueless wig human hair HD lace closure wigs 180 density loose wave wigs - keswigs (61)

Our Service

  • Free

  • 30 Days
    Exchange & Returns

  • 24 Hours
    Online Service

  • 4 Days

Frequently Ask Question(FAQ)

Wigs are an easy and quick way to change your hairstyle, and provide anopportunity to experiment with different looks, as they come in a widevariety of styles and colors.

View Details

Shipping & Return

We offer free standard shipping on all orders within the continental UnitedStates.


Shipping & Return

We have a 30-day return policy, which means you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a return.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused, with tags, and in its original packaging. You’ll also need the receipt or proof of purchase.

To start a return, you can contact us at[emailprotected]. If your return is accepted, we’ll send you a return shipping label, as well as instructions on how and where to send your package. Items sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted.

You can always contact us for any return question at[emailprotected].

Damages and issues

Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us immediately if the item is defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong item, so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right.

Q: How long does shipping usually take? And can I use a PO.Box as shipping address?

A: Orders ship within 24 hours. We offer Express shipping ( free shipping ) which takes 2-4 bus days ( 2-4 Bdays in USA, others is 3-5 days ). The Express Shipping includes UPS, DHL and Fedex. And you can receive a notification after shipped out.(NOTE: PO.Box is not accepted. Don't use a PO.Box as your shipping address. Otherwise the package can not be delivered.)
And, you need to add your phone number when you file the shipping info.

Q: Can I exchange/cancel my order?

A: Yes, you can, but you need to contact us within 24hours via Email (Before Shipped), if not, it will be charged a processing fee.

Q: Do I need to pay the tax?

A: Usually you do not need to pay taxes, but if your country's customs is more stringent, you will be charged a certain amount of duties. We usually try to avoid tariffs for you as a low-declared invoice with parcels, however, it is not 100%. You will need to pay the duties if the custom still charges customs duties.
Countries with more stringent customs authorities include: France, Germany, Italy, South Africa, almost all South American countries, UK( occasionally ), Canada( occasionally ).

Q: Can i change my part to side part or middle part?

A: Yes, all hair we sell is 100% human hair, so you can straighten / style it with flatiron/curler, and you can dye it as well. It is noteworthy that you need to pay attention to the time. DON’T Overtime.

Q: Can I straighten / style the hair with flatiron/curler?

A: Yes, all hair we sell is 100% human hair, so you can straighten / style it with flatiron/curler, and you can dye it as well. It is noteworthy that you need to pay attention to the time. DON’T Overtime.

Q: How long can I know each length? How can I know which length I need?

A: Hi,dear, you can check this Length Reference ( If you bought wavy or curly hair, you need to straighten it up before measuring its length ):

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Q: What type of hair care products should I use?

A : Treat this hair just as if it was your own hair.
1, Use good shampoo and hair conditioner to care the hair. It’s important to keep the hair soft and shiny.
2, You could use gel or spray styling products to keep the hair style.
3, Olive oil will be a good choice to keep the hair healthy.

Q: Why are my wigs getting tangled?

A: It could be caused by dry hair. Pls make sure to wash & condition your hair at least once a week, twice a week is better. brazilian virgin hair Comb the hair from time to time. You could go to your stylist for further suggestions.

Q: How long can it last?

A: Normally it depends on your method/level of care. Treat it like your own hair and take very good care of it, then normally it could last longer than 18 months.

Q: Do all the hair come in 1b or can I get a #2?

A: We only have the color #1b( natural black ) in stock, if you want other colors, you can send us an email: [emailprotected] , And you'd better provide a pic of the color you want. Normally, we provide coloring service for some colors.

Q: How can I get in touch with you ASAP?

A: Email is the best recommendation, and you'd better write the most urgent question as the email title, and concise. The imessage/phone is the second option.

Q: How do I return my order? And how much will i get refund if i return the parcel already received ? Who pay for the the return charge ?

A: You can send an email to us, title as “Return + Order Number + Reason”, we will response ASAP. If you don't want your order /or you place wrong order/ or want a longer length/ you would like to exchange the order , you will pay for the return charge, and if you want refund will be reduced the 30$ from your amount (Shipping Fee).

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  • L


    on March 2, 2023

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  • m


    Five Stars

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  • C


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    on August 27, 2024

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  • b


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  • C


    Five Stars

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    on August 27, 2024

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  • V

    Virginia Wilson

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    on August 26, 2024

    Great color


  • W

    Wyetta Butler

    Five Stars

    Five Stars

    on August 26, 2024

    Worth the money


  • S


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    Five Stars

    on August 26, 2024

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Views: 5283

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.