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§1 In Old English, a noun or a noun phrase inflected for Genitive

... According to this table, Accusative Case signals that the object designated by an Accusativenominal is an end point of some energy flow, thus construed as some kind of PATIENT. Dative Casesignals that the designated object lies in the margin of an event as well as being an endpoint of someenergy ...

Psychophysical and Physical Causative Emotion Verbs in Finnish

... kuratiivikausatiivit, e.g. rakennuttaa, ‘to cause/make to build’) or factitives(the latter term is used in NS, the Modern Finnish Dictionary, see e.g.Kytömäki 1978 and 1989; Paulsen forthcoming), because they aresyntactically of special character. The (most) central element in theirargument stru ...

Draft Parallel Structures

... Parallel: The new president of the student council spoke not only eloquently but alsopassionately. [Here two adverbs are joined by the correlative conjunctions not only…butalso.]Not Parallel: The new president of the student council spoke not only eloquently but alsowith passion. [The single ad ...

The Case for Case - UC Berkeley Linguistics

... requires such categories as Noun, Predicator, and Sentence, but that othergrammatical categories and features may be differently arranged in differentlanguages. And Bach () has given reasons to believe that there is a universal set of transformations which each language draws from in its own w ...

Complex Feature Values - NTU Computational Linguistics Lab

... in list-valued valence features.➢ The elements of the lists are themselves feature structures➢ The elements are “cancelled” off the lists once heads combine with theircomplements and specifiers....

2005 - Dr. Lukas Pietsch

... 2005) which attempts to complement this existing research in two ways.With respect to empirical description, a mostly diatopic-comparativeperspective was chosen. Being based on dialectal speech recordingssampled over relatively large areas, the study traced the distribution ofrelated variation p ...

Language Structure and Reading Skills

... of the same things that a one-word adverb does. The variety of subordinate conjunctions thatintroduce an adverb clause sets up more relationships than are possible between main clausesin a compound sentence. Most of the questions an adverb clause will answer are listed with thematching conjunctio ...


... To the best of our knowledge, the use of complementarity to justify the single category claim,insofar as it relates to English, originates with Lyons (1966), with particular reference just tomanner adjectives and their adverb counterparts ending in ·ly. The idea itself should howeverprobably be a ...

Read each group of words. If the group is a sentence, write sentence

... 1. The children will plant tulips in the garden.2. The adults are going to plant roses.3. The garden will have many pretty flowers.4. I think we should plant trees too.Think of new plural nouns to replace the ones in thesentences above. Write each new sentence....

- SOAS Research Online

... consist of a head noun, to which may be attached a single minor-syllable prefix tothe left, and case- or role-marking morphemes, postpositions, particles and thelike to the right. The head verb or noun may itself be a compound with internalstructure. Verb complexes, usually last in the sentence, ...

Reference Manual for Interpreting the New Testament

... simply does not always exist. We haven't any idea who wrote the epistle to the Hebrews, orwhy, other than what may be indicated in the letter itself. Does this mean that we can'tunderstand it in any sense? I think not. We just have to recognize that information, whichwould assist the act of inter ...

4. Modelling Lexical Resources for Slavic Languages in KPML

... when the clause it is part of is in active voice and its OBJECT is realized as a nominal group,that nominal group should be in the dative case rather than the accusative case (whichwould be the default case for realizing an OBJECT as nominal group with a clause in activevoice).Thus, we need to o ...

A. Niccacci--Marked Syntactical Structures in Biblical

... grammatical units. We find a noun (96a), a noun phrase (100a), a participlewith definite article (107), and a verb with its subject and/ or object andcomplement (18b; 20; 24b; 95a). This means that both a noun phrase and awhole sentence play the same function. In other words, the verb functionsa ...

A grammar of the Spanish language

... The Author is so convinced of the importance of knowing these dissimilar words, thathe has willingly taken the labour of turning overthe leaves of the voluminous Dictionary of theSpanish Academy in order to select those composing the list of adjectives ; and for the samereason another list of ad ...

pdf - Université de Genève

... The interest in clitic pronouns in the generative grammar tradition goes back to the analysismade by Kayne (1975) as well as to the analysis on different types of clitics given by Zwicky(1977) (Miller & Monachesi, 2003: 67). Since then, clitics have been the object of muchdiscussion in the lingui ...

Clause processing in complex sentences

... function in the sentence (subject, object, etc.).(1)That the girl refused the flowers / surprised the boy / who was tryingto be nice.This investigation proposes to approach the problem of clauseresolution by exploiting one of its basic properties  that is, the abilityof clauses to be ultimatel ...

Tagset Manual

... The words daer and toe together form a pronominal adverb daartoe. In the tag tier this is indicatedby tagging toe with PronAdv(prep), indicating that it is part of a separated PronAdv. In the fifth tier, itis shown which tokens should be linked together. The tag ba4 in the second line indicates th ...

Learning English

... A syllable is a group of letters with ONLY one vowel sound。As we learned in chapter 1 ‘one vowel sound’ can contain oneor more vowels, for example the word ‘loud’ contains onesyllable, which contains two vowels and one vowel sound。These vowels are ‘ou’。In another example the word ‘cat’contains ...

A Grammar Research Guide for Ngwi Languages

... ambiguous than “Yi,” and more descriptive than “Yipho,” which were the traditional terms that havebeen used to describe many of the known languages that have now been assigned to this group. Thegroup includes seventy-five languages, divided into the Northern (17 languages), Central (24),Southeast ...

dependent clauses

... Sentences 1 and 2 are both complete sentences. Each consists of a subordinate clause that is combined withan independent clause.Punctuation rule: If a subordinate clause comes before an independent clause (as in sentence 1), youmust put a comma after the subordinate clause. If a subordinate claus ...

German abstract prepositional phrases Christian Lehmann

... With regard to the three notions defined above, the analysis will focus onprepositional locutions, as these provide the intermediate stage — the missing link,as it were — between the abstract prepositional phrase and the complexpreposition. Towards the end of the discussion, we will come to the r ...


... 1969). However, this is very nartial answer indeed. Inmany cases components do not have imnlication relationsat all, Compare swim: on the one hand the verb expressesthat locomotion takes place in the water, on the otherhand it conveys that the locomotion takes nlace bymeans of body parts as ins ...

On Gerunds and the Theory of Categories

... ‘(Juan’s) eye of a dog’I do not see how the DCH can provide any deep explanation for this fact. While nouns, verbs,and adjectives can certainly be formed by derivational morphology, all of these uncontroversiallexical categories also have morphologically simple members in the majority of language ...

Download: MFL- French grammar booklet Filesize

... Remember to look up a word in the dictionary if you do not know what it is!the girl is kind = ______________________________________________________________I live in a new house = ________________________________________________________the cats are brown = ________________________________________ ...

Infinitive phrase, gerund phrase, appositive phrase, participial

... as an adjective or adverb.Infinitives function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.. A participleis a form of a verb that functions as an adjective.. A verbal can add modifiers to become averbal phrase.. “kvetching” (an especially virulent form of complaining) is an appositive inthis sentence.. In t ...


Study documents, essay examples, research papers, course notes and other - - StudyRes (26)

The grammar of Standard Modern Greek, as spoken in present-day Greece and Cyprus, is basically that of Demotic Greek, but it has also assimilated certain elements of Katharevousa, the archaic, learned variety of Greek imitating Classical Greek forms, which used to be the official language of Greece through much of the 19th and 20th centuries. Modern Greek grammar has preserved many features of Ancient Greek, but has also undergone changes in a similar direction as many other modern Indo-European languages, from more synthetic to more analytic structures.

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.